July 19 (August 1 Gregorian time) 1754 - the birth date of Prokhor Moshnin (later hieromonk Serafim) in Kursk.
1761 - Prokhor fell down from the bellfry which was under construction in Kursk, but remained safe and sound.
1764 - serious illness and miraculous recovery with the help of the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God " The sign of Kursk-Korennoy"
1776 - pilgrimage of Prokhor to Kiev, where hermit Dosifey gave his blessing for joining the Hermitage of Sarov.
November 20, 1778 - joining the Hermitage of Sarov
1780 - 1783 - serious illness and recovery after the visit of Our Lady accompanied by the Apostles - St. Peter and St. John the Theologian.
August 13, 1786 - taking of monastic vows with the name of Serafim (Flaming)
October 27, 1786 - ordination into hierodeacon
October 2, 1793 - chirotony into hieromonk
1794 - removal to the Remote hermitage; start of a hermit's life.
1794 - 1798 - praying on the rock (1000 days and nights)
September 1804 - robbers' mugging and recovery with the help of Our Lady.
1806 - start of spritual care of Diveevo nuns.
1807 - 1810 - life of absolute silence in the Remote hermitage.
May 8, 1810 - return to the monastry and start of reclusion life there.
1813 - start of life of a monastic elder
1821 - the first miracle of St.Serafim - heeling of a landlord Manturov of his leg desease
November 25, 1825 - Our Lady shows St.Serafim the place of the construction of the mill and the names of the first eight sisters of Mill community
December 9, 1827 - foundation of Mill community in Diveevo
March 24, 1831 - last attendance of St.Serafim by Our Lady, who told him about the date of his death
September 5, 1831 - curing of landlord Motovilov. In future he became the patron of Diveevo convent, "lay brother of Our Lady and Serafim"
November 1831 - conversation of St.Serafim with N.Motovilov about the purpose and the point of the life of a Christian
January 2 (January 15 Gregorian style) 1833 - the blissful departure of St.Serafim (78 years old).
July 1903 - Sarov feast - St.Serafim was declared Saint; his holy relics were open. Tsar Nikolay II and his family visited Sarov and Diveevo as was predicted by St.Serafim